Cinema | "Captain America: Brave New World"

Champagny en Vanoise

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Cinéma | "Captain America: Brave New World"_Champagny-en-Vanoise
Cinéma le Rhodo
31 Place du centre
73350 Champagny-en-Vanoise
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Don't miss the ‘Captain America: Brave New World!
Shortly after meeting the new President of the United States, Thaddeus Ross, Sam Wilson finds himself at the heart of a gigantic international incident. In a relentless battle against time, he is forced to uncover the reason behind this infamous plot before the real mastermind of the operation soon sets the whole world on fire...

Running time: 1 hour 58 minutes
Adult: 8.50 €, Child (13 years): 4.50 €, Student: 7 €.
Wednesday 26 February 2025 between 8.30 pm and 10.30 pm.
Accepted payment methods
Bank/credit card
Travellers Cheque
Languages spoken
♿ Tourism and Disability
Hearing disability
Not accessible in a wheelchair

Cinema | "Captain America: Brave New World"

Cinéma le Rhodo
31 Place du centre
73350 Champagny-en-Vanoise

You'll love it!

There's always a good reason to come to La Plagne ❤️

Road condition alert
Road condition alert

Following the landslide on the RN90 on Saturday 1 February, traffic situation in the Tarentaise is evolving favourably.

Important information: To allow traffic to switch from the Ponserand tunnel to two lanes in the upbound direction, the motorway will be completely closed for 2 hours on Friday 7 February between 2pm and 4pm.