Rue du Prince Aime
73210 Aime-la-Plagne
See the map
Association des Parents d'Elèves des Ecoles Publiques d'Aime (Parents' association for Aime's state schools)
APEEPA groups up the parents of pupils at Pierre Borrione nursery and primary schools, with a membership fee of €10 per family.

APEEPA organises events to create links between schools and families, and to subsidise activities for all the children.

The association's income comes from family memberships, a municipal grant and the profits from events organised every year (tombola, Christmas market, class photos, sales of chocolates, school fête, etc.).

APEEPA helps to finance shows, books, transport for school outings and part of the school trips for ALL the pupils.
All year round.
Accepted payment methods
Languages spoken
Minimum age
18 yrs


Rue du Prince Aime
73210 Aime-la-Plagne

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