La Plagne Montalbert is very aptly qualified as convivial. During your stay, you will appreciate its traditional warm welcome. The decor is fabulous too: mountain-style architecture, views of Mont Blanc, snow-covered fir trees… it’s the perfect setting for a beautiful holiday!

There is a wide selection of accommodation (residences, hotels, apartments, holiday centres, chalets…), to keep everyone happy! If you want to let go and relax, you can enjoy the stunning scenery in both the winter and summer seasons on snow shoes, cross-country skis, touring skis, e-bikes or on foot, according to the season, following trails that run through the woods or at altitude …

You can go on your own or with a guide. If you are in search of adventure and entertainment, everything is set up for an unforgettable holiday. On the programme: new snow sports, dog sledding, concerts, cani-rando (hiking with dogs)…

Des sentiers accessibles à tous pour des bons moments de partage
En balade au sommet de Fornelet
Piste des lutins en famille
Une pause pique nique en famille à 2000m d'altitude
Courir dans la neige
Des animations pour enfants tout l'été
Une ambiance douce et paisible en été
Le Montalsplash, activité fun et rafraîchissante
Les joies de la neige

Vos vacances en famille à Montalbert

Un village familial ! En famille, vous apprécierez l’altitude douce de La Plagne Montalbert. Sur le site, de nombreuses infrastructures et aménagements ont été créés pour les enfants. En hiver, embarquez en toute sécurité dans la télécabine pour rejoindre le sommet du Fornelet. Profitez de la vue à 360° depuis l’agréable zone de pique-nique, face au Mont Blanc. Les skieurs regagneront par exemple le village par la piste bleue des lutins, serpentant dans la forêt. Des itinéraires piétons et raquettes accessibles à tous vous permettent de découvrir les différents visages de la station. En été, de nombreuses activités et animations s'offrent aux familles. Pour les petits, la mini-ferme du Forperet est une visite incontournable pour découvrir les animaux : veaux, cochons, poules…Les plus grands pourront profiter d'une glissade de 125m de long sur le Montal'Splash. Tous ensemble, partez à la découverte de nos sentiers pédestres ou VTTAE pour de belles escapades en montagne.

DESTI_Vue nuit hiver Montalbert
Père Noel
Vue du vieux village en été
Chapelle de La Plagne Montalbert en été

A magical site

Plagne Montalbert is a village at medium altitude (1 350 metres). Created in 1980, the architecture is in traditional mountain-style with low buildings made of wood and stone and gable roofs. Most of the shops and services are grouped together in the shopping street at the bottom of the slopes. The village centre is car-free, with vehicles left in the large car parks at the village entrance. You will be able to breathe in deep and enjoy this small, welcoming site. In the forest just above the village, there are three large holiday centres.

Magie de Noel
Lancer de hache
Une activité fun entre amis
Barbecue en plein air
Qui sera le premier arrivé ?
Roue des cadeaux
Descente aux flambeaux

Conviviality and sharing

The village is known for its varied entertainment programme in winter and summer. In summer, there are barbecue parties with live music, for a convivial and festive moment. We look forward to seeing you in the middle of July with your family for the Festoche des Mioches kids’ festival, where you are guaranteed surprises and a lot of laughs! In winter, why not come for the Festival de l’Humour or Zen Week. Plagne Montalbert has developed a number of new snow sports. Come and try Airboard, Snakegliss, Monogliss, Ski trikke or Yooner, for a heap of thrills and laughs! In summer, get on a Dévalkart or try a descent on our giant waterslide. The village’s lovely atmosphere drew Phil Howard, the renowned Michelin-starred chef from London, who has opened his Union Restaurant there, a small gastronomic restaurant where he combines fresh seasonal produce with local products. 25% of the dishes on the menu are vegan or vegetarian.

Village Montalbert
Vue générale station hiver
Prajourdan pause au lac
Chemin du bief bovet en été
Balade vélo Prajourdan
Famille raquette Fornelet
Famille raquette forêt
Enfant raquette
Rafraîchissement sur le Bief Bovet
Randonnée entre amis
Randonnée en forêt

Taking a hike

In summer, a hundred or so kilometres of walking paths await you, leaving from the village of Montalbert. You are bound to enjoy the theme trails: Bief Bovet along a mountain stream in the forest, the Biodiversity trail, the Sentier des Alpagistes (Herdsmen’s trail) in Prajourdan. You enter a fantasy world on the Alpages Enchantés trail (accessible on snowshoes in winter). The sculptures along the trail were done by local artist, Nicolas Gombert, who is a several times winner of the French championship for wood carving with a chain saw. You can go hiking with a guide or even with a dog! For an original experience, try Cani-rando, hiking with a dog, who will help you in the climbs... and make the descents even more fun! On snowshoes, cross-country or touring skis, you can admire the landscape covered in a lovely white blanket, as you follow the marked paths.

Chapelle Superga
Village Longefoy


This traditional Savoyard village is just a few kilometres from the slopes of Plagne Montalbert. The red-tiled roofs are overlooked by La Superga chapel. Built on a hill in 1853, it is a smaller version of the famous Superga sanctuary near Turin. The village includes several bed & breakfasts, a bakery and a hotel-bar-restaurant. On several occasions over the year, the locals light the village bread oven. Come and bite into some bread fresh from the oven or a crinchin, a tasty, aniseed-flavoured brioche whose recipe is a closely-guarded secret. The hamlet of Montgésin at 1500 metres is worth a visit to see its chapel. Notre Dame des Neiges houses richly painted murals and an ironwork grid dating back to 1758. A number of elements (including the altarpiece) have been restored thanks to the intervention of thirty or so volunteers.

Village map

Discover the highlights of our village and its convenience shops.

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There's always a good reason to come to La Plagne ❤️

Road condition alert
Road condition alert

Following the landslide on the RN90 on Saturday 1 February, traffic situation in the Tarentaise is evolving favourably.

Important information: To allow traffic to switch from the Ponserand tunnel to two lanes in the upbound direction, the motorway will be completely closed for 2 hours on Friday 7 February between 2pm and 4pm.