How to get to La Plagne

The extent of the territory of La Plagne is its richness. Be sure to locate your itinerary according to the village where you have chosen to stay.


gare train aime

There are 2 stations serving La Plagne:

  • Moûtiers - Salin - Brides-les-Bains to Champagny-en-Vanoise
  • Aime-la-Plagne, for the town of Aime, the villages of Montchavin - Les Coches & Montalbert, and the mountain resorts (Plagne 1800, Plagne Centre, Aime 2000, Plagne Soleil, Plagne Villages, Plagne Bellecôte, Belle Plagne).

Connection from the station

Once you've arrived at Aime-la-Plagne or Moûtiers - Salin - Brides-les-Bains station, the last step is to take the bus or taxi to your holiday destination. The bus stations are adjacent to the SNCF stations.

Our advice

Find out in advance what bus times are available to take you to your final destination from Aime-la-Plagne station. Don't hesitate to call our tourist office if you have any questions. When a regional coach timetable is very close to the train's arrival time: don't worry, the coach driver is waiting for the connection!

Venir en voiture à La Plagne

La Plagne is located

  • 645 km from Paris
  • 196 km from Lyon
  • 149 km from Geneva and Grenoble

GPS coordinates

  • Altitude stations Longitude: 6.6803003 - Latitude: 45.5057012
  • Montchavin-Les Coches Latitude: 45.559839 - Longitude: 6.7326237
  • Champagny-en-Vanoise Longitude: 6.69540000 - Latitude: 45.45400000
  • Plagne Montalbert (programme access via Aime) Longitude: 6.6334965 - Latitude: 45.5344696

From Chambéry, take the A43 and A430 motorways to Albertville, then the N90 towards Bourg-Saint-Maurice, as far as Moûtiers or Aime. For Champagny-en-Vanoise: follow the D915 then the D91B. For Montalbert, Montchavin-les-Coches and other high-altitude sites: take the D220 from Aime, following signs for La Plagne.

Mandatory winter equipment

To ensure everyone’s safety on our roads, the law now requires drivers to have equipment adapted to winter. From November 1 to March 31, it is mandatory:
- either to have metal snow chains or textile snow socks to equip at least two of the car’s driving wheels.
- or to be equipped with four winter tyres.

Traffic information

In France: tel. 04 79 37 73 37 (24/24, call free from a landline)
From abroad: tel. +33 892 687 888 (24/24)

Traffic France :
Traffic Savoie :

Traffic in real time: on google maps

Switch off your GPS when you arrive in Albertville to avoid suggestions of roads that are not accessible in winter.

To reduce your carbon footprint and cut the cost of your journey, think about car-sharing!

Getting here by plane

The four nearest airports to our resort are :


How to get to La Plagne
Champagny en Vanoise
How to get to La Plagne
Montchavin - Les Coches

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There's always a good reason to come to La Plagne ❤️