In the winter season, there is a free shuttle bus service in Champagny-en-Vanoise, with several stops:
- a bus running daily (8 to 17 rotations according to the period), on the main Champagny-Le-Bas / Champagny-le-Haut route, stopping at Les Rochers, Salle des Fêtes, Centre, Le Planay and Côte Arbet in Champagny-le Bas, as well as La Couaz, La Chiserette and Le Bois in Champagny-le-Haut
- a bus running Sunday to Friday (about 17 rotations) in Champagny-le-Bas (La Piat, Salle des Fêtes, Centre, Le Planay, Côte Arbet, Télécabine, Perrières 1, Perrières 2, Perrières 3)