Loup y es-tu?" show

Plagne Montalbert

Find out more
Loup y es-tu
Salle multi-activités : L'Alto
73210 Plagne-Montalbert
See the map
The wolf and us - quite a story! Since the dawn of time, man and wolf have been the best of enemies. Why so many stories about this animal? Tales, legends, fables and current events, the wolf still haunts our dreams and our reality...
Free of charge.
Languages spoken
Minimum age
10 yrs
♿ Tourism and Disability
Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
Reserved space 330 cm wide < 100 m from the site
WC + grab handle + adequate space to move
Site, building totally accessible

Loup y es-tu?" show

Salle multi-activités : L'Alto
73210 Plagne-Montalbert

This summer you'll love it!

There's always a good reason to come to La Plagne ❤️

For a safe summer
in the mountains
Super Huit
From 12 to 14 July 2024
LA 6000D
From 25 to 27 july 2024