
Champagny en Vanoise

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Bibliothèque de Champagny
Au rez-de-chaussée de la salle des fêtes
73350 Champagny-en-Vanoise
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Books and magazines for young and old; reading and lending area.
Regular purchases of the latest novels. Magazines such as: Montagnes, Alpes magazine, Que Choisir, Sciences et Vie Junior ...
A large selection of books for children and teenagers.
The library works in collaboration with Savoie Biblio which provides plenty of different works of fiction and non-fiction at your request (just bring the references).
Free of charge.
From 14/12/2024 to 20/04/2025, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Closed exceptionally on January 1st and December 25th.
Monday & Friday: 6pm to 7pm
Wednesday: 10.30am to 11.30am.
Accepted payment methods
OK for families with children
♿ Tourism and Disability
Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
Reserved space 330 cm wide < 100 m from the site


Au rez-de-chaussée de la salle des fêtes
73350 Champagny-en-Vanoise

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