Françoise Gimenez

Champagny en Vanoise

Find out more
1 chemin des 4 maisons 73570 BRIDES LES BAINS
73350 Champagny-en-Vanoise
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High Mountain Guides
Want to find out more about marmots?
The National Park offers you an outing led by a "Esprit Parc National" mountain guide.
"As the sun sets, the marmots emerge from their burrows for dinner!
Observations, information on the life of this mascot of our mountains who has such an amazing rhythm throughout the seasons".
Please register with the Champagny Tourist Office before 3pm on Tuesday.

Meeting point and time: 5.30pm at the Refuge du Bois information point
Car pooling possible to get to the start of the discovery walk (Laisonnay d'en Bas, 3km away).

Equipment : Rain gear... Closed-toe walking shoes (no sandals, flip-flops...) 2h walk each way...
From 09/07 to 27/08/2024, every Tuesday.
Accepted payment methods
Languages spoken
♿ Tourism and Disability
Mental disability
Hearing disability

Françoise Gimenez

1 chemin des 4 maisons 73570 BRIDES LES BAINS
73350 Champagny-en-Vanoise

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