Pottery workshop

La Plagne Vallée

Find out more
Atelier céramique
620 avenue de la Tarentaise Aime
73210 Aime-la-Plagne
See the map
Lorène demonstrates the techniques of wheel throwing and shaping in the Antropia third place. Two types of lessons are proposed: a wheel throwing workshop (age 14 and over) and workshops for 7 to 14 year olds.
WHEEL THROWING: Lorène teaches the technique of wheel throwing to make several small pots in red clay

Lorène teaches shaping to make one or several pieces in white or red clay: a cup, saucer, plate, box, soap dish or small sculpture…
Séance 52€ cuisson inclue, Stage 2x2H : 100€ (1 mois maximum entre les 2 séances), 4 séances de tournage (4 x2h) : 188€ (au lieu de 208€)

De 5 à 100 ans (5 ans, en Grande section, avec 1 adulte et 8 ans seul),
1h de 5 à 8 ans : 16€
2h pour les plus 8 ans : 26€
100€ pour 4 ateliers.
Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 4 pm.
4pm & 6pm : Turning 2h (from 14 years)
5pm : Modeling 2h (from 8 years).

Thursday 26 September 2024 at 4 pm.
4pm & 6pm : Turning 2h (from 14 years)
5pm : Modeling 2h (from 8 years).
Languages spoken

Pottery workshop

620 avenue de la Tarentaise Aime
73210 Aime-la-Plagne

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