Walk for seniors

La Plagne Vallée

Find out more
Balade pour les seniors_Aime-la-Plagne
Rendez-vous à l'EAC
94 Grand'Rue Aime
73210 Aime-la-Plagne
See the map
Easy walk for seniors towards "Foran Valley"
Free of charge. Registration required.
Tuesday 18 February 2025 at 9 am.
Languages spoken

Walk for seniors

Rendez-vous à l'EAC
94 Grand'Rue Aime
73210 Aime-la-Plagne

You'll love it!

There's always a good reason to come to La Plagne ❤️

Road condition alert
Road condition alert

Following the landslide on the RN90 on Saturday 1 February, traffic situation in the Tarentaise is evolving favourably.

Important information: To allow traffic to switch from the Ponserand tunnel to two lanes in the upbound direction, the motorway will be completely closed for 2 hours on Friday 7 February between 2pm and 4pm.