Ostéo-Biokinergie et Numérologie Stratégique

Champagny en Vanoise

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Ostéo-Biokinergie et Numérologie Stratégique
633 rue de la Vanoise
73350 Champagny-en-Vanoise
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State-qualified in physiotherapy and trained in Osteo-Biokinergy for over 25 years. Strategic Numerology, a powerful personal development tool, helps you to give meaning to your life and define new goals.
-A qualified physiotherapist and Osteo-Biokinergist for over 25 years, the human being is at the heart of my professional career. Knowledge of the human being, not only the body but also its emotions, has enabled me to develop a unique ability to listen.
My various training courses (enneagram and symbolic medicine...) have opened my eyes to the importance of body-soul-spirit balance during a session.

Strategic Numerology, a powerful tool for personal development, self-knowledge and decision-making, has enabled me to give meaning to my life and define new goals after a period of "artistic blur" and personal and professional change.
Certified by Lydie Castells' school, I offer to do your Strategic Numerology theme for a 2-hour session for an adult.

During your theme :
- Complete restitution of your personality with the 7 fundamental keys of your personal tree: your fundamental needs, your gifts, your birth talents, your life dynamic, your life goal, your emotional needs, your fulfillment and also your blockages and family memories.
- Restitution of your temporality: the personal year and its objectives in the universal year and the seasons in which you are to decide at the right moment.

For Children / Teenagers / Business themes, please contact me for further details.
- Biokinergie session: 60€ (Please bring your own towel)
- Strategic Numerology themes : Rates : 1h of personal preparation before restitution :
Adult theme: 150€ duration: 2h
Child/teen theme: 110€ duration: 1h30
Corporate theme: 250€ duration: 2h45.
All year round.
Accepted payment methods
Credit transfer
Languages spoken
♿ Tourism and Disability
Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
Possibility of drop-off in front of the site
Even flooring with no obstacles
Minimum aisle width of 90 cm
Doors >=77 cm wide
Site, building totally accessible
Description for mental disability
Mental disability: with a companion depending on the degree of disability.

Ostéo-Biokinergie et Numérologie Stratégique

633 rue de la Vanoise
73350 Champagny-en-Vanoise

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