Snow Kindergarten - Plagne Bellecôte

Plagne Bellecôte

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Plagne Bellecôte French Ski School
73210 La Plagne
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In the Piou Piou club, everything is organised so that your children aged 3 and up can have fun learning to ski.
For children aged 3 to 5, our ski garden is like a play area, ideally situated near our mini-club at the bottom of the slopes.
Your kids can learn and progress with ski instructors who will always respect their pace and allow them to be spontaneous.
Everything is organised so that skiing is fun for them:
- a protected area and specific equipment: a tow rope & fun structures and figurines to help the children learn
- ski instructors to supervise and teach your little ones
- and, of course, an end-of-week test just like the bigger kids

2 groups according to age and level
- Piou Piou: aged 3 to 4 yrs, I learn to ski while having fun in a secure area.
- Ourson or Flocon: I am over 4 or I already have my Piou Piou.

Every Friday, your future champions pass a test just like the bigger kids to assess their progress over the week. They get certificates and medals can be purchased at the ESF office at the end of the lesson.
From 14/12/2024 to 26/04/2025, daily.
Accepted payment methods
Bank/credit card
Travellers Cheque
Languages spoken
OK for families with children
Nature du terrain

Snow Kindergarten - Plagne Bellecôte

Plagne Bellecôte French Ski School
73210 La Plagne

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