Tandem ski experience - Plagne Centre

Plagne Centre

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Balade en tandem ski
Oxygene Ski & Snowboard School - Plagne Centre
Plagne Centre
73210 La Plagne
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Popular with those who are unable to ski safely on the mountain unaided, our Tessier bucket seat connects you to the slopes via your guide’s skis. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride !
Offering excellent control on all slopes, our Tessier bucket seat provides ultimate support via an adjustable harness.Thanks to a specially-designed locking system, chairlifts are now also hassle-free, meaning you can remain seated and in our safe hands right to the summit.
Adult: from 246 € (Afternoon 3 hours - equipment included).

Lift pass and helmet required - one instructor per student - equipment included.
From 14/12/2024 to 26/04/2025, daily.

On demand.
Accepted payment methods
Bank/credit card
Travellers Cheque
Downloadable files
Languages spoken

Tandem ski experience - Plagne Centre

Oxygene Ski & Snowboard School - Plagne Centre
Plagne Centre
73210 La Plagne

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