Cross-country ski trails La Plagne Montalbert

Plagne Montalbert

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Boucle de Prajourdan
For a wide range of winter sports, the resort offers 20 km of cross-country skiing itineraries, divided into 3 levels and without difficulty. These itineraries are freely accessible.
1- Longefoy (1160m) - Le Crey / L'Adray

Departure point : Village of Longefoy, Plateau de l'Adray
Free access / Easy level
Distance: 2 loops of 2.5km each

The sunny Adray plateau is the ideal place to learn
cross-country skiing. These 2 small, groomed loops are easily accessible by shuttle from
Montalbert (timetables available from the tourist office) or by the Patrimoine footpath.
Please note: itineraries are only accessible
snow conditions.

2- Montalbert 1600 - Boucle du Gentil / Les Mairiers

* Boucle du Gentil

Departure point: Next to the "Cap Vacances" vacation center
Free access / Very easy level
Distance : 0.5km

Short introductory loop in pleasant, sunny surroundings.

* Piste des Mairiers

Departure point: D5
Free access / Easy level
Distance: 12km return

Nestled in the heart of the forest, this easy itinerary
from the parking lot of the Dou de la Ramaz residence to the junction with the asphalt road. At the end of the 6km run, you arrive at the site of the Piste Olypique de Bobsleigh de la Plagne, built for the 1992 Albertville Olympic Games. You'll then have to turn around
back to the resort.
Caution: cross alpine ski slopes several times.

3 - Top of the Montalbert gondola (1970m) - La Boucle de Prajourdan

Departure point: Top of the gondola, at the reservoir.
Access via TC Montalbert (valid ski pass or Ticket Piéton)Easy level / Distance: 3km

This easy-to-moderate loop lies in the heart of the magnificent Prajourdan landscape, with a breathtaking view of Mont Blanc!

Grooming and tracking according to snow conditions.
Free of charge.
From 14/12/2024 to 21/04/2025.

Subject to snow conditions.
Neige de culture
Nombre de piste
5 (20.5 km)
Nombre de piste vertes
3 (5.5 km)
Nombre de piste bleues
2 (15 km)
Nombre de piste rouges
Nombre de piste noires
Kilomètres de piste skating
14 km
Nombre de remontées mécaniques
Nombre de remontées autres
Nombre de téléskis
Nombre de télésièges
Nombre de remontées accessibles piétons
Nombre de télécabines
Nombre de remontées ski de fond
Nombre de téléphériques

Cross-country ski trails La Plagne Montalbert

73210 Plagne-Montalbert

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