Tour of La Croix du Berger with a night in La Coire refuge - family hike

La Plagne Vallée

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Lac des Fées
Parking de Plan Pichu Granier
73210 Aime-la-Plagne
See the map
Would you like to go hiking with your children or just enjoy a night in a refuge without doing a long hike? We suggest you try the hike along La Croix du Berger ridge and Plan Pichu botanical trail.
DAY 1:
Set off from Plan Pichu car park area 8km above Granier.
Go towards Refuge de la Coire / Cormet d'Arêches (2km - 30min walk)

From Cormet d'Arêches, take the path on the right and walk up to the ridge going towards La Croix du Berger. At Plan des Marmottes, continue on the path that crosses it. If you want to enjoy a 360° view, turn left towards Mont Coin (steep climb - same path there and back). Then go towards the Col du Coin and go back down to Plan Brunet then back to the refuge where you will spend the night.

(Possible variant: Short detour to the Lac des Fées from Cormet d'Arêches 2hr)

DAY 2 :
The next day, go back down to Plan Pichu and enjoy the botanical trail. This will take about 2 hours.
Niveau difficulté
Level green – easy
For beginners / novice
From 16/03 to 30/04, daily.
Supervised refuge.
Reservation obligatory.

From 01/05 to 14/06, daily.
Refuge open but not staffed.
Inform the keeper.

From 15/06 to 30/09, daily.
Supervised refuge.
Reservation obligatory.

From 01/10 to 15/03, daily.
Refuge open but not staffed.
Inform the keeper.
Languages spoken
Minimum age
6 yrs
OK for families with children
Elevation gain
400 m
400 m
Type of itinerary

Tour of La Croix du Berger with a night in La Coire refuge - family hike

Parking de Plan Pichu Granier
73210 Aime-la-Plagne

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