What animals can be seen in the Vanoise National Park?

Published on 10/10/2019 by
Randonnée dans le Parc de la Vanoise à La Plagne
Marmotte à La Plagne Champagny en Vanoise
Parc de la Vanoise La Plagne Champagny en Vanoise

You might not know it, but La Plagne is a gateway to the Vanoise National Park. From the village of Champagny en Vanoise, you can go to the valley of Champagny le Haut and then enter a protected natural environment.

Wild animals live here and can sometimes be spotted if you are curious. To observe them, you will need:

  • Binoculars
  • Patience
  • A guide

So, what are we actually looking for? Mammals first of all. In summer, you can see the marmots that are the emblem of our mountains, with their distinctive whistle. Ibex and chamois can be spotted at certain times of the year, acrobats leaping from rock to rock. Hares, foxes, voles and stoats live in these parts, but are elusive and may only be seen by more discreet observers.

There are also the typical mountain birds. The first to come to mind is the Royal Eagle with its majestic flight. Closer to the ground, you may see Eagle Owls if you wait until the end of the day. The Rock Ptarmigan changes colour according to the season, turning from brown in summer to white in winter, offering a real spectacle. Finally, the Black Grouse which is a direct descendant from the ice ages and still lives right at the top of the mountain forests.

There is also a whole host of insects that represent an essential link in this ecosystem. To cite just one, there are butterflies, some of which are found only in this park and nowhere else in the world. That’s worth seeing, don’t you think?



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