Snowshoeing outing - Dale of Champagny le Haut

Champagny en Vanoise

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Champagny en Vanoise French Ski School
Barrage de Champagny le Haut
Hameau La Couaz
73350 Champagny-en-Vanoise
See the map
Gain some height to admire the valley of Champagny le Haut from the northern side (ubac). Level 1/2 : medium hikes, a few uphill passages.
If you are taking the shuttle bus to Champagny le Haut, get off at the ‘La Couaz’ stop.

Booking essential with the ESF.
Snowshoes not supplied.
One price: 26 €.
Tuesday 24 December 2024 between 1.50 pm and 3.50 pm.
Accepted payment methods
Bank/credit card
Travellers Cheque
Languages spoken
OK for families with children

Snowshoeing outing - Dale of Champagny le Haut

Champagny en Vanoise French Ski School
Barrage de Champagny le Haut
Hameau La Couaz
73350 Champagny-en-Vanoise

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Road condition alert
Road condition alert

Following the landslide on the RN90 on Saturday 1 February, traffic situation in the Tarentaise is evolving favourably.

Important information: To allow traffic to switch from the Ponserand tunnel to two lanes in the upbound direction, the motorway will be completely closed for 2 hours on Friday 7 February between 2pm and 4pm.