3 good reasons to keep smiling!

Published on 25/03/2020 by
Anne, Lucie & Audrey
Panorama Saint Jacques La Plagne

While we patiently wait to be able to roam the mountains again and witness nature slowly coming back to life before our very eyes, just outside our front door, here are at least 3 good reasons to keep smiling:

1. Spring is here and Mother Nature is gradually preparing for summer, as are the tourist office teams, working from home. We haven’t forgotten you…

2. We are regularly proposing activities you can enjoy with your family. You will just need colouring pens, sugar and flour and a little imagination… Let’s get started!



Jeux enfants La Plagne

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La Plagne colouring


3. There is an understanding between all of us who love La Plagne, so we’re letting you into our little secret: every evening when the weather is good, look at the webcams that show the mountain peaks and enjoy an unforgettable sunset…


Take care & #stayathome.

We look forward to seeing you again soon!




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