Balade entre amis en raquettes La Plagne
Balade en raquettes en couple à La Plagne

The mountain in contemplative mode

This activity is all the rage, and with good reason! Snowshoes are a real way of life: one that gives you time to observe, look around you and appreciate the moment. With snowshoes on your feet, you are transported into a world that is only accessible to walkers, through the forests or up to a mountain peak. In the silence, you can observe the wild animals that live in the mountains, smell the aromas of the woods and move at your own pace.
Randonnées raquettes à La Plagne
Raquettes dans la poudreuse à La Plagne
Randonnée raquettes dans les sapins de La Plagne

In exploration mode

There are many footpaths across the resort, with kilometres of itineraries classified according to level of difficulty and departure point. They are accessible free of charge and independently. Of course, you can opt to go on a snowshoe excursion with a guide who will show you plants you haven’t seen before, teach you to observe animal tracks and give you other tips. Some even organise night walks where you go to a great restaurant or an igloo!

This winter you'll love it!

There's always a good reason to come to La Plagne ❤️