Cheese lovers, we have a truly gourmet riddle for you!
Do you know the emblematic cheese produced in the French Alps? The one that is much admired by connoisseurs and much desired by cheese gourmets... Here is a hint... It is “beau” (beautiful) and it is “fort” (strong). Some enjoy it in a creamy fondue while others prefer to savour it at a family picnic. Popular with people of all ages, this smooth tasting cheese will tickle your taste buds and get your mouth watering. Have you guessed? It’s Beaufort cheese, of course!
Bingo! You are strong, just like this cheese! 💪
Around here, Beaufort is much more than just another cheese. Born in the lush green mountain pastures, it represents the ancestral savoir-faire of the region’s cattle farmers and cheese makers.
So how is it matured? (We want to know too!)
In La Plagne there is a magical cheese cellar where the Beaufort is revealed in all its splendour. The cellar belongs to Fabien Briancon-Marjollet, an artisan who is passionate about cheese.
Fabien is from Macot and he loves his native region. He has embraced several trades, from carpenter to shepherd, before becoming a maestro of cheese making. A family man, he embodies the very spirit of the Savoyard mountains and here he reveals the behind-the-scenes secrets and mysteries of his trade.

How does one become an expert in cheese maturing?
Fabien’s passion for cheese led him to create his own cellar with space for 1,300 wheels at first, which he later extended to 2,200 to meet demand.
Fabien and his wife, Anne, built the cellar in Macot and it is here that he stores the wheels of Beaufort produced by groups, individuals or GAECs (Groupement Agricole d’Exploitation en Commun – farming cooperatives).
The precious merchandise is sent to him for the mandatory minimum period of 5 months maturing in a cellar to meet DPO standards.
His work consists of ageing the cheeses in his cellar, which is why it is known as ‘maturing’. Each wheel requires meticulous care, daily turning and special, personalised attention.
5 months later, the producers collect their cheese from the cellar and distribute it to the shops.

Treat yourself!
Since December 2023, Fabien has extended his love of the local produce by opening a shop that sells local products in Plagne Aime 2000. These include a range of cheeses, deli meats, honey, jams, beers and wines... A veritable ‘Ali Baba’s cave’ in the commercial gallery in the ‘Snow Ocean Liner’.
Here is Fabien’s favourite recipe: a tasty fondue made with 80% Beaufort cheese and 20% Abondance cheese. The delicious meal is made with Beaufort d'alpage produced at his brother’s farm in Savoie and matured in his cellar.
And treat your friends!
Better than a La Plagne fridge magnet, surprise your friends and family with a gift of a large slice of Beaufort: an original and very tasty gift that is always a hit! It can be vacuum-packed to make it easier to transport over longer distances. Don’t miss the perfect opportunity to share a fondue…

For last-minute gifts…
For anyone who wants a last-minute gift to take back for the family and for those who find themselves outside the cheese shop a few minutes after it has closed, out of breath from having given it their all to get there in time to make their purchases…
We have thought of everything! On your way home, all you need to do is stop off at the Coopérative de Beaufort du canton d’Aime-la-Plagne, in Avenue de la Tarentaise in Aime. In front of the shop you will find… a cheese vending machine, open 24/24!
No need to worry if you are travelling by train from Aime railway station either, as there is another vending machine there! Choose your Beaufort and set off with your treasure from Savoie.