La Plagne, winner of the Flocon Vert label
On 6 June 2024, the Mountain Riders labelling committee awarded La Plagne the Flocon Vert label. Awarded for a period of 3 years, this first Flocon will enable the resort to better formalise its objectives, identify its strengths and the areas to pursue in the context of a sustainability strategy. It's a positive step in motivating all those involved, and provides valuable support in coordinating actions across the region.
Flocon Vert, what is it?
1 labelling approach
Developed by the Mountain Riders association, the Flocon Vert label is a certification scheme guaranteeing the sustainable commitment of mountain tourist destinations. The label helps mountain resorts to formalise their objectives, structure and prioritise their transition projects and contribute to the emergence of more sustainable behaviours. Mountain Riders provides ongoing support to destinations that have signed up to the Flocon Vert scheme.
20 criteria
The destinations involved are assessed on the following aspects: governance, local economy, social and cultural dynamics, sustainable management of resources.
3 snowflakes levels, 1 process
When a destination is awarded the label and enters into a continuous improvement process supported by the Green Snowflake, it is awarded the label at level 1, 2 or 3. Throughout this process, Mountain Riders monitors the actions put in place and challenges the destination every 3 years by organising audits. The resort will have to commit to increasingly demanding actions.
The main stages in La Plagne's certification process
- November 2022 - January 2023 - Launch workshops (COPIL & general public)
- March 2023 - January 2024 - Sustainable analysis & feedback
- 26 & 27 March 2024 - Independent audit
- Late April 2024 - Receipt of audit report & progress report
- 21 May 2024 - Certification Committee
- 6 June 2024 (T-Rex, Bourg-Saint-Maurice) - La Plagne 1 snowflake certification & trophy presentation
- Upcoming December 2025 - Intermediate audit
- Upcoming June 2027 - Renewal audit
An ecological transition approach
With the structural complexity inherent in the characteristics of the La Grande Plagne area, the creation of the Destination Transition in 2021 steering committee was the cornerstone for bringing together and federating 7 structures around the same table (the 3 communes of La Plagne Tarentaise, Aime-la-Plagne and Champagny-en-Vanoise, the Communauté de Commune des Versants d'Aime, the Société d'Aménagement de La Plagne, the Office de Tourisme de La Grande Plagne and the Syndicat Intercommunal de La Grande Plagne). A group of around twenty people, made up of elected representatives, directors and technicians.
A number of collective actions have ensued since then: the decision to be supported in the process by an outside agency, the production of La Plagne's carbon footprint and the destination's CSR report, the implementation of a strategy and an overall action plan, regular monitoring meetings and, since October 2022, the official launch of the Flocon Vert initiative.
La Plagne's commitments
The Mountain Riders label recognises the efforts made to make the transition, with special mention for the socio-cultural dynamic and the new governance initiated.
The audit revealed a number of areas in which La Plagne has invested, such as employment, with the creation of a destination-wide employer brand, accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities, waste management, with the signing of the 2030 National Zero Waste Mountain Charter, and renovation, with the creation of the Maison des Propriétaires and the recruitment of a housing officer.
Far from being an end in itself, the label bears witness to the commitment and direction taken collectively. With the awareness of the necessary areas for improvement, the roadmap is being written and will continue to be written in favour of transition. Waste, mobility, renovation and energy are at the top of the list.
✨ Find out more about the virtuous actions listed : download the CSR report (in French) ou read online (in French)
What about tomorrow?
Strong action on mobility? New economic attractions outside skiing? Resource management that combines sobriety and circularity? Governance aimed at uniting the area (valley, resort, slopes) and the players involved (residents, workers and visitors)? These are just some of the avenues being explored by the Transition steering committee (COPIL) as part of the Flocon Vert support programme. In any case, Mountain Riders is there to challenge La Plagne every 3 years, with the aim of raising the bar: 1, 2 or 3 flocons?